Friday, March 30, 2012

Field Guide

My field guide showed a list of skate spots in Austin, presented as through it were an iPhone app. Challenges regarding this project included working on such a small scale and designing for a touch screen. I found it difficult to display the click stream only using pdfs.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

concept map

For me, the hardest part about this project was handling the jargon associated with the financial crisis, so that anyone could easily understand the concept without overcrowding the poster. I separated terms into categories: 5 biggest terms, secondary terms, key players, negative/loaded terms, and tertiary terms.


The assignment for the we were given the option of either redesigning an existing website or create a portfolio website for our work using html and css. We were given a color palette and type choices to apply to our design and also told you keep user interaction in mind. We were taken through the entire process of designing a website beginning with research then sitemaps, wireframes, visual design, and finally coding to create four functioning pages of a website. The difficulties of this project were mostly in the actual coding like the positioning and alignment of all the elements. As a result of this project, I became more proficient in using dreamweaver, html, and css.


The purpose of this project was to first get us to think critically about  two historical, designed artifacts through a comparative essay, then to get us to create a book design that would show and enhance the content. I compared Eric Gill's The Four Gospels and Hypnerotomachia Poliphili and argued that despite the large gap in the times of their publications, they had a similar impact on design.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

image analysis

The purpose of this project was to utilize all of the design history knowledge attained throughout the semester, through the dissection and identification of a modern image. I took a Fleet Foxes album cover--using it as a base--and layered sheets of vellum on top, with each sheet identifying a different historical art or design movement. I wanted each section and movement to be isolated, but also be seen in context. If I were to redo this project, I would use a more transparent vellum so each layer could be seen, even at the first layer.

Monday, March 26, 2012

history of graphic design presentation

This assignment was to create a presentation over a certain aspect of design history, whether it be important people, typefaces, or movements. My presentation was over three important designers during similar timeframes. This not only helped us individually, but as also as a class listening to our peers presentations and creating a solid timeline of graphic design history.

locating place

The book part of this project was a lesson in interacting with local businesses and book binding, while the animation portion reinforced our knowledge of after effects and/or flash. My book, East Side Story, displayed the Kevin Lynch text we were given in addition to a case study and essay focusing on the gentrification occurring in Austin's east side. I compiled information from the case study to create info-graphics to aid the readers understanding.